Michael Robert Gonzales


I usually go by Mike and I come from sunny San Diego, California.  I have been an English teacher since 2005 when I taught middle-schoolers in Japan for two years. I fell in love with the job but wanted to move up to teaching university level students. After Japan, I completed my master’s degree in TESOL from Columbia University Teachers College and since 2010 have been teaching at several universities in Nanning, Beijing and Shanghai including Tsinghua and now, proud to say SISU.  I’ve taught just about the whole gamut of English-related courses from Western Culture to Business English and more. When I am not teaching, I am producing music or out performing on the keyboards or turntables.

通常,我喜欢别人叫我迈克。我来自阳光明媚的加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥市。我从2005年开始当英语老师,当时我在日本教授了两年的中学生。我爱上了这份工作, 但想转到教授大学级别的学生。从日本回来,我完成了哥伦比亚大学教师学院TESOL的硕士学位。自2010年以来,我一直在中国的南宁、北京和上海的几所大学任教,包括清华大学,现在我可以很自豪地说,我来到了上外(SISU)。我几乎教授了从西方文化到商务英语等一系列与英语相关的课程。当我不教书的时候,我会创作音乐,在键盘或唱机转盘上表演我的作品。