【预告】2019年5月 - 文化讲座预告


Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Cultural Orientation Lecture

A History and Glimpse of the American South through Its Food, 

Music, and Culture


Speaker: Sean Foley 

Time: 12:30-14:00

Venue: Room D402


MOE Classes 1-4, 

Liuzhou Group, 

English-Foundation Program students,

Haipei full-time staff

Sean says: I grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina, which is in the southeastern part of the United States. Growing up in the South brought me close to a culture that is unique within the United States and the world. One particularly unique part of the culture I grew up in is its food, which is very special to me. Aside from food, I am a huge fan of learning foreign languages. I studied German and Russian in university and have been studying Chinese for the past couple of years. I see both food and language as not only key parts of culture and identity, but also as two powerful forces that can bring people together.